Monday, November 14, 2016

Image result for happy holidays

Hello Parents! Believe it or not the holiday season is upon us. Part of the second grade core is to learn about how we are the same and different from people in our communities, and people around our world. As teachers we will teach Holiday traditions from around the world, but we would like to invite you to share a family Holiday tradition with our class. 

This family tradition can be anything that your family does, from building candy cars to Christmas morning breakfast. Each family is different, and we want to learn more about how people in our community celebrate.

If you are interested please sign up on the appropriate link for your class. We will be sharing family traditions for the entire month of December.

If you want to sign up for Mrs. Acker's class click Acker

If you want to sign up for Mrs. Clegg's class click Clegg

If you want to sign up for Miss Leavitt's Class click Leavitt

**If you have any problems viewing or editing the sign-up sheets please inform your teacher.

November Calendar